18 righe · Star Trek: Discovery is an American web television series created for CBS All Access by …
Star Trek: Enterprise è la quinta serie televisiva ambientata nell'universo fantascientifico di Star Trek (la sesta, considerando anche la serie animata).Il primo episodio fu trasmesso dal network statunitense UPN il 26 settembre 2001, inizialmente con il semplice titolo di Enterprise, mentre a partire dalla terza stagione la serie assunse la definitiva denominazione di Star Trek: Enterprise 04/10/2018 · Created by Alex Kurtzman, Bryan Fuller, Michael Chabon. With Anson Mount, Ethan Peck, Rebecca Romijn, Jenette Goldstein. A series of stand-alone short films featuring characters and storylines from Star Trek: Discovery (2017). Avvenimenti di Star Trek: Discovery (seconda stagione). Realtà alternativa: Montgomery Scott e Keenser vengono mandati in un avamposto della Federazione su Delta Vega nel sistema vulcaniano sei mesi prima di incontrare James T. Kirk e Spock (Data stellare: 2258.42). Star Trek: Short Treks est une websérie américaine d'anthologie de science-fiction créée pour le site CBS All Access par Bryan Fuller et Alex Kurtzman. À l'origine conçu comme un spin-off de la série Star Trek: Discovery, elle met en scène quelques courts-métrages de 15 à 18 minutes qui utilisent les décors et des personnages de la série et plus largement de l'univers de Star Trek. Star Trek: Short Treks is an American anthology web television series created for CBS All Access by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman.It originated as a spin-off companion series from Star Trek: Discovery, and consists of several shorts that use settings and characters from that series and the wider Star Trek universe. The shorts are around 10 to 20 minutes long.
Per vederli, cercate Star Trek: Discovery su Netflix e cliccate su "Trailer e Altro": lì, alla fine della lista, dopo i trailer, troverete i 4 Short Treks doppiati in italiano. Non ci resta che augurarvi buona visione (meglio tardi che mai) e vi ricordiamo che questo è solo l'inizio: domani, venerdì 18 gennaio, ricomincia anche Star Trek: Discovery con la seconda stagione! Star Trek: Short Treks is a Star Trek television series, which premiered in October 2018. Characters Craft (Aldis Hodge), Tevrin Krit, Edward Larkin, Lynne Lucero, Harry Mudd (Rainn Wilson), Number One (Rebecca Romijn), Christopher Pike (Anson Mount), Po, Saru (Doug Jones), Spock (Ethan Peck Star Trek: Short Treks are approximately 10-15 minute stand-alone short stories that allow fans to dive deeper into the key themes and characters that fit into the expanding Star Trek universe, including Discovery and Picard. Star Trek: Short Treks, Spock in uno dei prossimi episodi di Leo Lorusso giovedì 27 giugno 2019 Stanno per arrivare sei nuovi corti ambientati nell'universo di Star Trek , e se scopriamo che quattro saranno in animazione, in uno degli altri due vedremo tornare nientemeno che Number One e il giovane Spock. Star Trek: Short Treks je americký krátkometrážní sci-fi televizní seriál, v pořadí osmý z řady seriálů ze světa Star Treku.Zveřejňován je na internetové platformě CBS All Access, úvodní díl měl premiéru 4. října 2018. Short Treks je antologický seriál, který vznikl jako doplněk seriálu Star Trek: Discovery, jehož postavy a prostředí využíval.
A Human soldier wakes up aboard the Discovery centuries after the ship has been abandoned, and develops a close relationship with the AI interface that saved him. Alone in a V'draysh escape pod, a man known as Craft spends his time watching Betty Boop cartoons as he drifts. He loses consciousness as his life signs reach critical levels but is suddenly caught in a tractor beam. It is from the In each episode of Star Trek: Short Treks a stand-alone story will be told that serves "as an opportunity for deeper storytelling and exploration of key characters and themes that fit into Star Trek: Discovery and the expanding Star Trek universe." The series will consist of four episodes including one featuring Rainn Wilson reprising his role as Harry Mudd from Discovery; a short focusing on Star Trek: Short Treks (2018–present) is a science fiction television series based on Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek. This TV article is a stub. You can help Wikiquote by expanding it. Contents. 1 Season One. · Enterprise (2001–2005) · Discovery (2017–) Star Trek: Short Treks es una serie estadounidense creada para CBS All Access por Bryan Fuller y Alex Kurtzman.Es un spin-off de la serie Star Trek: Discovery, consiste de una serie de cortos usando personajes de la serie derivada y del universo existente de Star Trek.Los cortos tienen una duración de 15 a 18 minutos. Después de firmar el acuerdo para expandir la franquicia en televisión Pages in category "Star Trek: Discovery" The following 85 pages are in this category, out of 85 total.
Star Trek: Short Treks (Abkürzung ST) ist eine Star Trek-Serie, die zunächst als Begleitserie zu Star Trek: Discovery fungierte, in Zukunft aber auch auf andere Serien Bezug nehmen wird. Die Episoden sind erheblich kürzer als in allen bisherigen Serien. Zudem werden zukünftig in den Short Treks… Star Trek: Short Treks. En junio de 2018, después de convertirse en el único productor ejecutivo de Star Trek: Discovery, Alex Kurtzman firmó un contrato de cinco años con CBS Television Studios para expandir la franquicia de Star Trek a varias series, miniseries y series animadas más allá de Discovery. [12] Un mes después, anunció una miniserie derivada de cortometrajes titulada Star Star Trek: Short Treks è una serie di quattro cortometraggi con i personaggi di Star Trek: Discovery. I nuovi episodi debutteranno mensilmente. Star Trek: Short Treks are approximately 10-15 minute stand-alone short stories that allow fans to dive deeper into the key themes and characters that fit into Star Trek: Discovery and the expanding Star Trek universe. Returning this fall, six all-new Star Trek: Short Treks will make their debut on CBS All Access, including three U.S.S. Enterprise-focused shorts featuring Star Trek: Discovery A Star Trek: Discovery egy jelenleg futó amerikai televíziós sorozat, melynek alkotói Bryan Fuller és Alex Kurtzman.Ez az első Star Trek sorozat a 2005-ben véget ért Star Trek: Enterprise után. Az eredeti Star Trek sorozat előtt egy évtizeddel játszódik, és a klingonok és a Föderáció közti háború eseményeit mutatja be egy kísérleti hajtóműtechnológiát tanulmányozó Notée parmi les meilleures séries de tous les temps, plus précisément dans sa catégorie Science-Fiction & Fantastique, avec sa note de 6.20 et ses 6 votes, la série Star Trek: Short Treks, sortie en en 2018 ; est une pépite qui mérite d’être regardée plusieurs fois en streaming VF. La performance des acteurs ainsi que la réalisation donnent à Star Trek: Short Treks un charme As part of the Star Trek: Discovery season 2 DVD and Blu-ray releases. Only this episode and "Runaway" were included from season 1 of Star Trek: Short Treks. Links and references Edit Starring Edit. Doug Jones as Saru; Hannah Spear as Siranna; Robert Verlaque as Aradar; and Michelle Yeoh as Lt. Philippa Georgiou; Co-starring Edit. Lisa Auguste
Star Trek: Discovery is the seventh series set in the Star Trek universe. Created by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, Discovery was originally set roughly a decade before Star Trek: The Original Series, set primarily aboard the starship USS Discovery, before jumping from the 23rd century to the 32nd century.. The series was announced by StarTrek.com on 2 November 2015.
22 Sep 2017 Star Trek Discovery (2255). Airdate: 2017-. Plot: Sonequa Martin-Green plays officer Michael Burnham, a human who was raised by Spock's